

What a writing friend and I are obsessing over... 

The other day I made a "Midena" destop wallpaper (I'm getting overly obsessive (and using this word too much), I know) and showed it to a friend. That started us off and before you know it, we were searching to find pictures that look like something out of our stories. It's really fun, and you'll be surprised what you find (I found Mair's farm, a cave Siarl used to sit in by the ocean, and much more (my friend found her character's home (castle), a pathway she rode on, and her garden)). I hightly recomended it, and please share if you find anything! ;)


Speaking of Lydia... 

Okay, everyone see the picture she has on her blog now? "Absence"? Yeah, that one. Cool picture, I think...and as Lydia said, it's a cool picture because it tells a story. Which is the whole point of this post. You don't have to write a whole story about it, but it would be fun to write...I don't know...a vignette or something about what you see in the picture and what you think has happened. (Whether I'll actually do this or not remains to be seen. :p)